Index of  //*.*

MISC directory read-me

A small collection of scripts, utilities, and other quick hacks, sometimes useful, sometimes just novelty or to try something out. Includes links for execution via DECnet if DECnet based scripting is configured for the server.

CGI ScriptsCGI (via DECnet) Source CodeComment
[cgilib_example.html] (can be used, no example) CGIlib.c
A collection of C language functions for use when developing scripts.
[CGI_symbols] [CGI_symbols] Simple CGI environment test.
(can be used, no example) cgiutl.c Example of using the CGIUTL.C utility for processing the contents of a POSTed form for use in a DCL procedure.
usage described in code (no example) connect_example.c Example of using the [ServiceConnect] capability.
[fetch_example.html] (can be used, no example) fetch.c Example of using the FETCH.C utility for retrieving URLs from servers, checking if a certain URL is accessable, etc.
[formwork_example.html] (can be used, no example) formwork.c Example of using the FORMWORK.C utility for making elementary validation of HTML form input before adding to a CSV file or other processing.
[IPCtickler] (not applicable) IPCtickler.c Manipulate C-RTL <stdout> characteristics and WASD Script-Control: CGI response header fields to assess impacts on carriage-control.
(can be used, no example) liner.c Display a file as plain-text, prefixing each line with an ascending line number in square brackets. Useful for viewing source code files.
CLI usage described in code (not applicable) membufdemo.c
Bulk data transfer from script to server using a (global section) memory buffer. Intended for transfers of multiple megabytes, tens of megabytes, and so up. Testing indicates transfers in excess of 500% of the standard mailbox bandwidth, with notable improvements to efficiency as well. YMMV with platform, O/S version and TCP/IP stack.
[tmailer_example.html] (can be used, no example) tmailer.c Example of using the TMAILER.C script for mailing the processed contents of a POSTed form (WASD drop-in replacement for the OSU TMAIL script).
       Name                                 Revised         Size  Description
[DIR]  OBJ_AXP/                    8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,024  subdirectory

[TXT]  BUILD_CGILIB.COM            8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,948  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_CGILIB_EXAMPLE.COM    8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,564  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_CGIUTL.COM            8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,328  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_CHKACC.COM            8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,190  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_CONNECT_EXAMPLE.COM   8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,542  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_FETCH.COM             8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,528  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_FORMWORK.COM          8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,402  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_IPCTICKLER.COM        8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,294  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_LINER.COM             8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,248  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_MEMBUFDEMO.COM        8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,204  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_MEMBUFLIB.COM         8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,014  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_MISC.COM              8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,238  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_REPORTERROR.COM       8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,360  DCL procedure
[TXT]  BUILD_TMAILER.COM           8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,334  DCL procedure
[TXT]  CGILIB.C                    8-Nov-2021 14:27      211,597  C source
[TXT]  CGILIB.H                    8-Nov-2021 14:27        8,481  C header
[TXT]  CGILIBSHR.OPT               8-Nov-2021 14:27       14,986  VMS linker options
[TXT]  CGILIB_EXAMPLE.C            8-Nov-2021 14:27        7,660  C source
[HTM]  CGILIB_EXAMPLE.HTML         8-Nov-2021 14:27        5,463  "CGILIB Usage Example"
[TXT]  CGIUTL.C                    8-Nov-2021 14:27       91,561  C source
[TXT]  CGIUTL_EXAMPLE.COM          8-Nov-2021 14:27        3,461  DCL procedure
[HTM]  CGIUTL_EXAMPLE.HTML         8-Nov-2021 14:27        3,300  "CGIutl Usage Example"
[TXT]  CGIUTL_EXAMPLE2.COM         8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,496  DCL procedure
[HTM]  CGIUTL_EXAMPLE2.HTML        8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,132  "CGIutl Usage Example 2"
[TXT]  CHKACC.C                    8-Nov-2021 14:27        9,159  C source
[TXT]  CONNECT_EXAMPLE.C           8-Nov-2021 14:27        4,612  C source
[TXT]  ENAMEL.H                    8-Nov-2021 14:27        9,983  C header
[TXT]  FETCH.C                     8-Nov-2021 14:27      124,614  C source
[TXT]  FETCH_EXAMPLE.COM           8-Nov-2021 14:27        3,811  DCL procedure
[HTM]  FETCH_EXAMPLE.HTML          8-Nov-2021 14:27        1,620  "FETCH Usage Example"
[TXT]  FORMWORK.C                  8-Nov-2021 14:27       65,306  C source
[TXT]  FORMWORK_EXAMPLE.COM        8-Nov-2021 14:27          748  DCL procedure
[HTM]  FORMWORK_EXAMPLE.HTML       8-Nov-2021 14:27        3,139  "FORMwork Example"
[TXT]  HDISK.C                     8-Nov-2021 14:27       54,444  C source
[TXT]  HDISK_AXP.OPT               8-Nov-2021 14:27           26  VMS linker options
[TXT]  HDISK_IA64.OPT              8-Nov-2021 14:27           28  VMS linker options
[TXT]  HDISK_VAX.OPT               8-Nov-2021 14:27           26  VMS linker options
[TXT]  IPCTICKLER.C                8-Nov-2021 14:27       11,600  C source
[TXT]  LINER.C                     8-Nov-2021 14:27        7,644  C source
[TXT]  MEMBUFDEMO.C                8-Nov-2021 14:27       10,698  C source
[TXT]  MEMBUFLIB.C                 8-Nov-2021 14:27       10,514  C source
[TXT]  MEMBUFLIB.H                 8-Nov-2021 14:27          529  C header
[HTM]  README.HTML                 8-Nov-2021 14:27        3,924  "MISC directory read-me"
[TXT]  REPORTERROR.C               8-Nov-2021 14:27       17,865  C source
[TXT]  TMAILER.C                   8-Nov-2021 14:27       46,628  C source
[HTM]  TMAILER_EXAMPLE.HTML        8-Nov-2021 14:27        3,017  "tMAILer Usage Example"
[???]  TMAILER_EXAMPLE.TMAIL       8-Nov-2021 14:27          810