Directs the linker to process one or more default user libraries
    to resolve symbolic references that remain undefined after all
    specified input files have been processed.




      /USERLIBRARY=ALL (default)

1  –  Qualifier Values


    Specifies the logical name tables that the linker searches for
    default user libraries. The following keywords are the only
    acceptable parameter values:

    Keyword   Description

    ALL       Directs the linker to search the process, group, and
              system logical name tables for default user library
              definitions. This is the default.
    GROUP     Directs the linker to search the group logical name
              table for default user library definitions.
    NONE      Directs the linker not to search any logical name
              table; the /USERLIBRARY=NONE qualifier is equivalent
              to the /NOUSERLIBRARY qualifier.
    PROCESS   Directs the linker to search the process logical name
              table for default user library definitions.
    SYSTEM    Directs the linker to search the system logical name
              table for default user library definitions.
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