NET$CONFIGURE_HELP.HLB  —  NET$CONFIGURE Help, X25 reachable address dte list help
    "Reachable address dte list?"

    The reachable address sub-entity name is used to select the
    remote DTE address to where a routing packet is sent. A reachable
    address sub-entity may be configured with one or more DTE
    addresses. If more than one DTE address is configured then only
    one is selected each time a packet is sent. All the remote DTE
    addresses must be accessible by the DTE class configured in the
    X25 Access template already configured for the associated dynamic
    assigned circuit.

    Specify the list of remote DTE addresses for this reachable
    address entity. A DTE address consists of 1 to 15 decimal
    characters. The DTE addresses in the list should be separated
    by commas (for example, 2,3,4).
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