NET$CONFIGURE_HELP.HLB  —  NET$CONFIGURE Help, Config multi protocol network
    "Is this system operating in a multi-protocol network?"

    One feature of Transport is the ability to use the "Congestion
    Experienced" field in the ConnectionLess Network Service (CLNS)
    routing header, and to implement a "Congestion Avoidance" scheme in
    heavily congested networks. The CLNS Congestion Experienced field is
    used by routers that support this feature (such as DECnis) to give an
    early indication of congestion. When Transport receives data that
    passed through a network path where the "Congestion Experienced" bit
    is set, Transport reduces the transmit rate of the sending end system
    to help alieviate network congestion.

    While this feature works well in networks where all network protocols
    support "Congestion Avoidance" mechanisms, it has been noted that in
    some heavily congested multi- protocol networks this feature can
    negatively impact the performance of DECnet-Plus compared to other

    Therefore, HP recommends that Transport Congestion Avoidance be
    disabled when using DECnet-Plus in heavily congested, multi-protocol
    networks, if other network protocols do not implement a similar

    Answering "Yes" to this question will disable the congestion
    avoidance algorithm.
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