NET$CONFIGURE_HELP.HLB  —  NET$CONFIGURE Help, Autoconfigure network addresses help
    "Autoconfigure network address?"

    Your system must have at least one unique network address in
    order to use DECnet-Plus communications features. DECnet-Plus
    systems can be multihomed, that is, they can have more than one
    network address, but no more than three.

    If you answer YES to this prompt, the procedure supplies one
    network address for you.

    This method is the easiest way to configure a network address,
    or Network Entity Title (NET), for your system. If you have a
    WANrouter adjacent to your system (on the same LAN or connected
    to your system by a point-to-point link), the router will
    configure your network addresses for you.


       Do not choose autoconfiguration unless you know that the OSI
       router adjacent to your system uses NETs with a selector of 00.
       This restriction applies even if you have a WANrouter on the
       LAN.  OSI routers that specify NETs differently can cause you
       to autoconfigure your network addresses incorrectly. If you
       have such a router, you must choose to manually configure your
       NETs by answering NO to the autoconfiguration question.

    If you answer NO to the autoconfiguration question, you can
    manually enter multiple addresses for your system. Your network
    manager can supply them to you or you can construct them
    yourself. Having multiple addresses allows your system to have
    both an OSI address and a Phase IV-compatible address, so you can
    communicate with both Phase IV and DECnet-Plus systems on the same
    network. It also allows your system to belong to more than one
    OSI network. This feature is particularly useful when you want to
    combine two (or more) networks. Rather than have all the systems
    in both networks get new addresses that reflect the new combined
    network, those systems that need to participate in both networks
    can have an address in each one.

    If you choose not to autoconfigure your network addresses (also
    known as Network Entity Titles [NETs]), the procedure displays
    the following prompt:

    * Enter Manual Network Entity Titles?
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