VMS Help  —  TCPIP Services, TELNET  Customizing
    To customize the TELNET/TN3270 processing environment, use the
    ENABLE, DISABLE, and SET commands. You can modify how TELNET and
    TN3270 perform the following actions:

    o  Send and receive transmissions

    o  Display processing on your terminal

    o  Interpret certain control characters

    You can redefine the following control characters, in situations
    when, for example, your terminal or the remote host does not
    recognize the corresponding default control character.

    o  Echo

    o  Erase

    o  Escape

    o  Flush output

    o  Interrupt

    o  Kill

    o  Quit

    Use the SET command to redefine these characters. For example,
    the following command defines the interrupt character to be the
    letter a or A.


    TN3270 allows you to redefine your keyboard. You can redefine
    most IBM 3270 model functions and all emulated functions and
    characters. You can create a key definition file with DEFINE/KEY
    statements to redefine the keyboard. Alternatively, you can
    redefine a key interactively by using the DEF KEY function
    (Ctrl/K on VT100-and VT200-series terminals)

    You can determine the mode TELNET uses to transmit data. The
    appropriate TELNET mode for a session depends on:

    o  The remote host to which you are connecting

    o  The applications you use

    The following table shows the modes that control TELNET

    Mode              Function

    Local Characters  The local host interprets control characters,
    Mode              translating them to TELNET protocol sequences
                      (ENABLE LOCAL_CHARS). Use this mode when the
                      local and remote hosts implement different
                      control characters. By default, characters are
                      interpreted by the remote host (DISABLE LOCAL_
    Binary Mode       The local host sends transmissions in binary
                      mode (ENABLE BINARY). Use this mode when the
                      remote host expects each line of data to end
                      with a carriage return/line feed combination.
                      By default, the local host sends transmissions
                      with the end-of-line (EOL) character mapped
                      to the carriage return/line feed combination
                      (DISABLE BINARY).
    Debug Mode        TELNET displays data flow in both hexadecimal
                      and readable text (ENABLE DEBUG). By default,
                      TELNET displays data in readable text only
                      (DISABLE DEBUG).
    Character         TELNET transmits data one character at a time
    Transmission      (SET MODE CHAR) rather than line by line. Use
    Mode              this mode when you run a text editor (on the
                      remote host) that does character processing.
                      Character transmission mode is the default.
    Line              TELNET transmits data one line at a time (SET
    Transmission      MODE LINE). Most clients send a character at a
    Mode              time. The remote host server must support line
                      transmission mode.

                      This allows you to do signal trapping as well
                      as local-character editing and tab expansion.
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