The network pseudodevice allows physical, logical, and virtual
I/O functions. The physical and logical I/O functions are used
only with the IP layer. See the following table for a list of the
basic I/O functions and their modifiers. The sections that follow
describe in greater detail the operation of these I/O functions.
The following table describes the network pseudodevice driver I/O
Function Code and Function
Arguments Modifier Description
IO$_ACCESS p3,p4 IO$M_ACCEPT Opens a connection.
IO$_ACPCONTROL p1, Performs an ACP (ancillary
p2, p3, p4 control process) operation.
IO$_DEACCESS p4 IO$M_NOW Aborts or closes a
IO$M_SHUTDOWN connection.
IO$_READVBLK IO$M_EXTEND Reads a virtual block.
p1,p2,p3,p4,p6 IO$M_
IO$M_LOCKBUF Controls the buffer
IO$M_PURGE operations.
IO$_SENSEMODE Reads the network
p2,p3,p4,p6 pseudodevice
IO$_SENSECHAR Reads the network
p2,p3,p4,p6 pseudodevice
IO$_SETMODE p1,p2, IO$M_OUTBAND Sets the network
p3,p4,p5 IO$M_READATTN pseudodevice characteristics
IO$M_WRTATTN for subsequent operations.
IO$_SETCHAR p1,p2, IO$M_OUTBAND Sets the network
p3,p4,p5 IO$M_READATTN pseudodevice characteristics
IO$M_WRTEATTN for subsequent operations.
IO$_WRITEVBLK IO$M_ Writes a virtual block.
p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 INTERRUPT
Additional Information: