VMS Help  —  TCPIP Services, Programming Interfaces, Socket API Functions, send()  Description
    This function sends data to a connected peer.
    You can use this function only on connected sockets. To send
    data on an unconnected socket, use the sendmsg() or sendto()
    function. The send() function passes data along to its connected
    peer, which can receive the data by using the recv() or read()
    Normally the send() function blocks if there is no space for
    the incoming data in the buffer. It waits until the buffer space
    becomes available. If the socket is set to nonblocking and there
    is no space for the data, the send() function fails with the
    EWOULDBLOCK error.
    If the message is too large to be sent in one piece, and the
    socket type is SOCK_DGRAM, which requires that messages be sent
    in one piece, send() fails with the EMSGSIZE error.
    If the address specified is an INADDR_BROADCAST address, then
    the SO_BROADCAST socket option must have been set and the process
    must have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege for the I/O operation to
    A success return from the send() does not guarantee that the data
    has been received by the peer. All errors (except EWOULDBLOCK)
    are detected locally. To determine when it is possible to send
    more data, use the select() function.
    Related Functions
    See also read(), recv(),  recvmsg(), recvfrom(), getsockopt(),
    and socket().
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