VMS Help  —  TCPIP Services, Programming Interfaces, Socket API Functions, gai_strerror(), Arguments
    The ecode argument is one of the EAI_xxx values defined for the
    getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo()  functions.
    The values for ecode are:
    EAI_AGAIN        The name could not be resolved at this time.
                     Future attempts may succeed.
    EAI_BADFLAGS     The flags parameter had an invalid value.
    EAI_FAIL         A nonrecoverable error occurred when attempting
                     to resolve the name.
    EAI_FAMILY       The address family was not recognized.
    EAI_MEMORY       There was a memory allocation failure when
                     trying to allocate storage for the return value.
    EAI_NONAME       The name does not resolve for the supplied
                     parameters. Neither nodename nor servname
                     were supplied. At least one of these must be
    EAI_SERVICE      The service passed was not recognized for the
                     specified socket type.
    EAI_SOCKTYPE     The intended socket type was not recognized.
    EAI_SYSTEM       A system error occurred; the error code can be
                     found in errno.
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