VMS Help  —  RTL Routines, LIB$  LIB$WAIT  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:floating_point
    type:         F_floating
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference

    The number of seconds to wait. The seconds argument contains the
    address of an F-floating number that is this number.

    The value is rounded to the nearest hundredth-second before use.
    Seconds must be between 0.0 and 100,000.0.


    OpenVMS usage:mask_longword
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference

    Control flags. The flags argument is the address of a longword
    integer that contains the control flags. The following flag is

    Bit    Value          Description

    0      LIB$K_NOWAKE   LIB$WAIT will not wake in the case of an

    This is an optional argument. If omitted, the default is 0, and
    LIB$WAIT will wake in the case of an interrupt.


    OpenVMS usage:longword-unsigned
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference

    Float type. The float-type argument is the address of a longword
    integer that determines the floating-point type of the seconds
    argument. Use one of the following symbols:

    Symbol         Value   Floating-Point Type

    LIB$K_VAX_F    0       F_floating
    LIB$K_VAX_D    1       D_floating
    LIB$K_VAX_G    2       G_floating
    LIB$K_VAX_H    3       H_floating
    LIB$K_IEEE_S   4       IEEE_S_floating
    LIB$K_IEEE_T   5       IEEE_T_floating

    This is an optional argument. If omitted, the default is F_
    floating. F_floating is the required float-type when LIB$WAIT
    is called from a module written in a language that prototypes
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