The $FAB_STORE macro moves user-specified values into fields of the specified FAB. The expanded $FAB_STORE code executes at run time on a previously initialized (allocated) FAB, in contrast to the $FAB macro, which initializes the FAB at assembly time. The $FAB_STORE macro must reside in a code program section. Format $FAB_STORE fab=fab-address, ALQ=#allocation-quantity, BKS=#bucket-size, BLS=#block-size, CHAN_MODE=#channel-access-mode CTX=user-context-value, DEQ=#extension-quantity, DNA=default-filespec-address, DNS=#default-filespec-string-size, FAC=<BIO BRO DEL GET PUT TRN UPD>, FNA=filespec-string-address, FNS=#filespec-string-size, FOP=<CBT CIF CTG DFW DLT MXV NAM NEF NFS OFP POS RCK RWC RWO SCF SPL SQO SUP TEF TMD TMP UFO WCK>, FSZ=#header-size, GBC=#global-buffer-count, LNM_MODE=#logical-name-translation-access-mode, MRN=#maximum-record-number, MRS=#maximum-record-size, NAM=nam-address, ORG={IDX|REL|SEQ}, RAT=<BLK{CR|FTN|PRN}>, RFM={FIX|STM|STMCR|STMLF|UDF|VAR|VFC}, RTV=#window-size, SHR=<DEL GET MSE NIL PUT UPD UPI NQL>, XAB=xab-address