VMS Help  —  MACRO  /ALPHA  Supplied Library Macros, Programming Considerations, Syntax Rules
    You can use either positional or keyword argument association
    or a combination of the two with these macros. For positional
    association, the order of formal arguments is shown with
    the format of each macro. The following syntax rules apply
    when invoking the assembler using the command-line qualifier

    o  When specifying macro names, you must use all uppercase or all
       lowercase characters. You cannot mix uppercase and lowercase

    o  When specifying keyword arguments, you must use the same
       alphabetic case as the macro name it is associated with. If
       you use lowercase characters with the macro name, you must
       use lowercase characters with the keyword argument. If you
       use uppercase characters with the macro name, you must use
       uppercase characters with the keyword argument.
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