VMS Help  —  LD  New features V9.2
 	V9.2 has the following new features:

 	The major new feature is variable container file support for tape. This
 	allows a file on disk to be used as a tape device, without having to
 	preallocate a certain amount of blocks. This is enabled at CONNECT time
 	with the qualifier /EXTEND. Also, a limit may be placed on the maximum
 	container file size. The default is unlimited, which means that
 	extending the file will stop as soon as the underlaying disk is full.


 	   %LM-I-CONNECTED, Connected $2$LMA1: to $4$DKA400:[JUR.LD.V92.SRC]TAPE.DSK;1
 	   -LM-I-OPTIONS, Tape unit, Tape loaded, Extend file on demand (size=10000, limit=5000000)
 	   %LM-I-METADATA, Metadata available

 	   Version:                 1
 	   Creator:                 JUR
 	   Process name:                  EH?
 	   UIC:                     [100,100]
 	   Created on system:       THENET
 	   VMS version:             V8.3
 	   Time at creation:         1-MAR-2009 21:30:28.51
 	   Time at last connect:     1-MAR-2009 21:30:36.53
 	   Time at last disconnect:  1-MAR-2009 21:30:28.51
 	   Data start:              1
 	   Data size:               0
 	   Flags:                   tagsinuse
 	   Checksum:                30F9EAF7

 	This will create a virtual tape of initially 0 blocks in size, and the
 	extension of the container file will be done with 10000 blocks at a
 	time. There's a limit of 5000000 blocks, if the file grows to that
 	limit then the end of tape marker will be returned at 95% of the
 	maximum capacity.

 	After writing the tape and dismounting it, excess blocks can be removed
 	from the container file with LM DISCONNECT/TRUNCATE or
 	LM UNLOAD/TRUNCATE. This will effectively truncate the container file
 	to the maximum logical block where data has been written.

 	Specifying /LIMIT without /EXTEND on the CONNECT command is not allowed.
 	The default extension limit for /EXTEND is 65536 blocks if not
 	specified. Specifying /LIMIT=0 is the same as not specifying /LIMIT.

 	Bug fixes:

 	IO$_SETMODE to a tape device will now set the correct default device
 	buffer size.

 	Under very specific circumstances a skip reverse operation to tape
 	resulted in a read request from disk with a random number of bytes.
 	Some controllers rejected the command with SS$_CTRLERR, other errors
 	could be an SS$_BUGCHECK from the driver itself.

 	A system crash could occur when running LD$STARTUP.COM or LM$STARTUP
 	on a system which was very low on nonpaged pool. Doing that right now
 	will return an error.

 	The known issues for V9.0 are the same as for V9.2.
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