Valid for Alpha and Integrity server systems only. Checks whether the specified license is loaded on the system. Format F$LICENSE(license-name[,producer-name])
1 – Return Value
A character string stating TRUE or FALSE.
2 – Arguments
license-name Specifies the name of the license for which you want to check the status. producer-name Specifies the name of the company that produced the license. By default, DEC is assumed to be the producer on Alpha systems and HP is assumed to be the producer on Integrity server systems. To find an exception, specify a different producer name.
3 – Examples
1.$ SHOW LICENSE VMSCLUSTER* Active licenses on node NODE1: ------- Product ID -------- ---- Rating ----- -- Version -- Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release Termination VMSCLUSTER DEC 0 0 100 0.0 (none) 14-MAY-2005 VMSCLUSTER-CLIENT DEC 0 0 100 0.0 (none) 14-MAY-2005 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$LICENSE("VMSCLUSTER") TRUE $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$LICENSE("NONEXISTENT_PAK") FALSE In this example, the F$LICENSE function returns TRUE, which verifies that the VMSCLUSTER license is loaded on the system. In contrast, the status of hypothetical license NONEXISTENT_PAK is shown to be FALSE, indicating that it is not loaded on the system. 2.$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$LICENSE("ABC") FALSE $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$LICENSE("ABC","XYZ") TRUE In the first instance, no license for product ABC is found from the default producer (DEC or HP). In the second instance, an ABC PAK is found for producer XYZ.