UAFHELP.HLB  —  SHOW  Examples

      The command in this example displays a full report for the
      user ROBIN. The display corresponds to the first example in the
      description of the ADD command. Most defaults are in effect.

        Username: ROBIN                       Owner:  JOSEPH ROBIN
        Account:  VMS                         UIC:    [14,6] ([INV,ROBIN])
        CLI:      DCL                         Tables: DCLTABLES
        Default:  SYS$USER:[ROBIN]
        Login Flags:
        Primary days:   Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
        Secondary days:                     Sat Sun
        No access restrictions
        Expiration:    (none)    Pwdminimum:  6   Login Fails:     0
        Pwdlifetime:   (none)    Pwdchange:   15-JAN-2000 14:08
        Last Login:    (none) (interactive),      (none) (non-interactive)
        Maxjobs:         0  Fillm:       300  Bytlm:        32768
        Maxacctjobs:     0  Shrfillm:      0  Pbytlm:           0
        Maxdetach:       0  BIOlm:        40  JTquota:       4096
        Prclm:           2  DIOlm:        40  WSdef:          256
        Prio:            4  ASTlm:        40  WSquo:          512
        Queprio:         0  TQElm:        10  WSextent:      1024
        CPU:        (none)  Enqlm:       200  Pgflquo:      32768
        Authorized Privileges:
        Default Privileges:
        Identifier                  Value            Attributes
          CLASS_CA101               %X80010032       NORESOURCE NODYNAMIC
          CLASS_PY102               %X80010049       NORESOURCE NODYNAMIC


       The quotas Pbytlm and Queprio are placeholders only.

    2.UAF> SHOW [360,*] /BRIEF

      The command in this example displays a brief report for every
      user with a group UIC of 360.

        Owner       Username UIC       Account  Privs Pri Default Directory
        JOHN JAMES  JAMES    [360,201] USER     Normal  4 DOCD$:[JAMES]
        SUZY JONES  JONES    [360,203] DOC      Devour  4 DOCD$:[JONES]
        CLIFF BROWN BROWN    [360,021] DOC      All     4 disuser
        JOY CARTER  CARTER   [360,005] DOCSEC   Group   4 expired


      This command displays a full report for the restricted user
      WELCH. This display corresponds to the second example in the
      description of the ADD command.

 Username: WELCH                   Owner:  ROB WELCH
 Account:  INV                     UIC:    [14,51] ([14,51])
 CLI:      DCL                     Tables: DCLTABLES
 Default:  SYS$USER:[WELCH]
 Login Flags:  Restricted Diswelcome Disnewmail ExtAuth
 Primary days:   Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
 Secondary days:                     Sat Sun
 Primary   000000000011111111112222  Secondary 000000000011111111112222
 Day Hours 012345678901234567890123  Day Hours 012345678901234567890123
 Network:  -----  No access  ------            ##### Full access ######
 Batch:    #########--------#######            ---------#########------
 Local:    #########--------#######            ---------#########------
 Dialup:   ##### Full access ######            -----  No access  ------
 Remote:   #########--------#######            ---------#########------
 Expiration:        (none)    Pwdminimum:  6  Login Fails:     0
 Pwdlifetime:       (none)    Pwdchange:      (pre-expired)
 Last Login:        (none) (interactive),     (none) (non-interactive)
 Maxjobs:         0  Fillm:       300  Bytlm:        32768
 Maxacctjobs:     0  Shrfillm:      0  Pbytlm:           0
 Maxdetach:       0  BIOlm:        40  JTquota:       4096
 Prclm:           2  DIOlm:        40  WSdef:          256
 Prio:            4  ASTlm:        40  WSquo:          512
 Queprio:         4  TQElm:        10  WSextent:      1024
 CPU:        (none)  Enqlm:       200  Pgflquo:      32768
 Authorized Privileges:
 Default Privileges:

      Note that WELCH is a captive user who does not receive
      announcements of new mail or the welcome message when logging
      in. His login command file, SECUREIN.COM, is presumably a
      captive command file that controls all of his operations.
      (Such a command file never exits, but performs operations
      for its user and logs him out when appropriate.) The CAPTIVE
      flag prevents WELCH from escaping control of the command file
      by using Ctrl/Y or other means. Furthermore, he is restricted
      to logging in between the hours of 5:00 P.M. and 8:59 A.M. on
      weekdays and 9:00 A.M. and 5:59 P.M. on weekends. Although he
      is allowed to use dial-up lines at all times during the week,
      he is not allowed to log in over the network. On weekends, he
      is further restricted so that he cannot dial in at any time or
      use the DCL command SET HOST between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and
      8:59 A.M.
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