1.UAF> ADD/PROXY SAMPLE::WALTER ROBIN/DEFAULT %UAF-I-NAFADDMSG, record successfully added to NETPROXY.DAT Specifies that user WALTER on remote node SAMPLE has proxy access to user ROBIN's account on local node AXEL. Through proxy login, WALTER receives the default privileges of user ROBIN when he accesses node AXEL remotely. 2.UAF> ADD/PROXY MISHA::* MARCO/DEFAULT, OSCAR %UAF-I-NAFADDMSG, record successfully added to NETPROXY.DAT Specifies that any user on the remote node MISHA can, by default, use the MARCO account on the local node for DECnet tasks such as remote file access. Remote users can also access the OSCAR proxy account by specifying the user name OSCAR in the access control string. 3.UAF> ADD/PROXY MISHA::MARCO */DEFAULT %UAF-I-NAFADDMSG, record successfully added to NETPROXY.DAT Specifies that user MARCO on the remote node MISHA can use only the MARCO account on the local node for remote file access. 4.UAF> ADD/PROXY TAO::MARTIN MARTIN/D,SALES_READER %UAF-I-NAFADDMSG, proxy from TAO:.TWA.RAN::MARTIN to MARTIN added %UAF-I-NAFADDMSG, proxy from TAO:.TWA.RAN::MARTIN to SALES_READER added Adds a proxy from TAO::MARTIN to the local accounts MARTIN (the default) and SALES_READER on a system running DECnet-Plus.