-c Configures the specified subsystem by initializing its attribute values and, possibly, loading it into the kernel. -d Displays the attribute settings in the SYSCONFIGTAB file for the specified subsystem. -m Queries the mode for the specified subsystems. A subsystem's mode can be static or dynamic. If you omit the subsystem name, sysconfig displays the mode of all the configured subsystems. -q Queries attribute values for the configured subsystem specified by subsystem-name. If you omit attribute-list, values of all the specified subsystem's attributes are displayed. -Q Queries information about attributes of the configured subsystem specified by subsystem-name. The information includes the attribute data type, the operations supported, and the minimum and maximum values allowed for the attribute. Note that the minimum and maximum values means length and size for attributes of char and binary types, respectively. If you omit the attribute-list, information about all attributes in the specified subsystem is displayed. -r Reconfigures the specified subsystem. You must supply the subsystem-name argument and the attribute-list argument when you use this flag. -s Queries the subsystem state for the specified subsystems. If you omit the subsystem name, sysconfig displays the state of all the configured subsystems.