

    Path name on the NFS server (specified by /HOST). Must match an
    exported directory, subdirectory, or file of an exported file
    system on the server.

    The /path/name is mounted as the master file directory (MFD) of
    the specified device.

    If the TYPELESS-DIRECTORIES option is set and the path name is
    mapped to an OpenVMS ODS-5 disk volume, omit the file extension
    .DIR from the directory name used in the path name. For example,
    specify the path name for directory dove.dir;1 as dove, as in the
    following command line:

    MOUNT ... /PATH="/white/dove"

    If TYPELESS_DIRECTORIES is not set (the default is NOTYPELESS_
    DIRECTORIES), then specify the path name for directory dove.dir;1
    as dove.dir.
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