1.TCPIP> MAP "/user" dua0:[group_a]
      TCPIP> CREATE DIRECTORY "/user/umbrella.bird"

      Creates a UNIX directory for user UMBRELLA called
      In this example, the user UMBRELLA is running the
      TCP/IP Services management program from the directory
      ([UMBRELLA.BIRD]). The UIC for [UMBRELLA] is [340,6] and the
      TCPIP$PROXY entry is defined as follows:

      User       UID      GID     Host

      UMBRELLA   300      12      *
      SYSTEM     0        1       *

      If UMBRELLA does not have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege, the
      directory is created as follows:

         UID = 300
         GID = 12
         UIC = [340,6]

      If UMBRELLA has SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege, the directory is
      created as follows:

         UID = 0
         GID = 1
         UIC = [SYSTEM]
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