The following is a snapshot of the output for SHOW IP_
      INTERFACE/ALL command.


      Displays IP interface counters.

    IP or LAN Device Error Data describes the IP/LAN device error

    Table 2 IP or LAN Device Error Data

    Data               Description

    Bad SCSSYSTEM ID   Received a packet with the wrong SCSSYSTEM ID
                       in it.
    MC Msgs Directed   Number of multicast packets directed to the
    to TR Layer        NISCA Transport layer.
    Short CC Messages  Number of packets received were short to
    Received           contain a NISCA channel control header.
    Short DX Messages  Number of packets received were short to
    Received           contain a NISCA DX header for a LAN device.
    CH Allocation      Number of times the system failed to allocate
    Failures           memory for use as a channel structure in
                       response to a packet received by this LAN
    VC Allocation      Number of times the system failed to allocate
    Failures           memory for use as a VC structure in response
                       to a packet received by this LAN or IP device.
    Wrong Port         Number of packets addressed to the wrong NISCA
                       address (Invalid cluster group number).
    Port Disabled      Number of packets discarded because the LAN or
                       IP device was disabled.
    H/W Transmit       Number of local hardware transmit errors.
    Hello Transmit     Number of transmit errors during HELLOs.
    Last Transmit      Reason for last transmit error.
    Error Reason
    Time of Last       Time of last transmit error:date and time.
    Transmit Error

    For IP interfaces, the error count can increase for the following
    reasons. These errors will be displayed with any of the error

    o  The interface is unable to send data (SS$_SUSPENDED)

    o  Link is disconnected (SS$_LINKDISCON)
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