Creates a Routing Circuit Adjacency entity for particular circuit you have selected. A Routing Circuit Adjacency entity describes a neighboring node that is accessible through a particular circuit. The required arguments for this display are: o Name The simple name to be assigned to the adjacency. o Endnode IDs A set of source system IDs. To add new Endnode IDs to this set, type the Endnode ID in the "End Node IDs to Add" field and push the ADD button. To remove old Endnode IDs from this set, click on the Endnode ID you wish to remove so that it becomes highlighted, then push the REMOVE button. A scroll bar will appear to the right of the Endnode IDs field whenever it is necessary to allow you to move through the list of Endnode IDs. o LAN address The Data Link address from which the adjacency receives end system hellos. The optional argument is: o Data Format This string describes the format of the reachable address. Press the CONTINUE button to create the Routing Circuit Adjacency entity, or press the CANCEL button to cancel this operation. In either case, you will return to the main window.