NCLHELP.HLB  —  testevent  event_dispatcher, sink
    Tests the filter action state for the specified event. This
    directive applies the filtering algorithm to the named event
    instance returning the applicable FilterAction, and an indication
    of whether the search was resolved by the SpecificFilter,
    GlobalFilter, or CatchAllFilter attribute.

    testevent [node node-id] event dispatcher -
                  sink simple-name  -
                     event (instance-name, event-name)

    Instance-name specifies a full entity name, including the node
    name and a specific instance.

    Event-name specifies all (for all events) or a specific event to
    be filtered for the specified instance.


    testevent event dispatcher sink local_sink -
        event (Node LOCAL:.LAMCHP, all)

    testevent event dispatcher sink * -
        event (Node LOCAL:.LAMCHP event dispatcher, all)
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