NCLHELP.HLB  —  snapshot
    snapshot [node node-id] [ncl-module] all counters

    The snapshot function saves the counters' values and displays
    those values. After the snapshot command is issued, the show
    command can be used to display a comparison of the current values
    and the registered values at later times.

    On OpenVMS snapshot information is only retained for the duration
    of an NCL session.  Therefore, the snapshot command and subsequent
    show commands must be issued at the NCL> prompt rather than at the
    DCL prompt.  To gather snapshot information from a remote node, you
    can either set the ncl default to the remote node entity or include
    the nodename in each ncl command, as long as the commands are issued
    within the same NCL session.


    $ mcr ncl
    NCL> snapshot csma station csmacd-1 all count
    NCL> show csma station csmacd-1 all count
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