NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  xot (OpenVMS Alpha), sap
    Shows a XOT SAP entity which specifies the point at which
    the XOT entity gains access to the TCP/IP environment for
    the purposes of listening for inbound XOT connections.

    show  [node node-id] xot -
                sap sap-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                              all [attributes]
                              all characteristics
                              all counters
                              all identifiers
                              all status

    The sap-name can be either a simple name that uniquely
    identifies a particular SAP instance, or a wildcard
    to identify multiple SAP instances.


    show xot sap * all

    show xot sap sap-0 local ip address, state

    LINK is a subentity of XOT SAP.
Additional Information: explode extract

Characteristics Counters
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