NCLHELP.HLB  —  loop  loopback_application, Exception Messages
 o  bad data at mirror

    There has been an error in the loopback protocol. The possible
    errors are:

    o  The local node sent a loop message with a data field that was
       too long.

    o  The first octet of the loop message was corrupted when it
       arrived at the mirror module.


    count          Requested number of messages in the loopback test
                   (that is, the value of the count argument).

    message        Number of the loop messages in which the error
    number         occurred.

    start time     Time at which the loopback test began.

 o  both name and address specified

    Both the name and address arguments have been specified. You must
    specify one of these arguments, but not both.

 o  neither name nor address specified

    Either the name or address argument must be specified, but not both.

 o  connection failed

    The session control connection to the loop mirror failed.


    reason     Reason why the connection failed. This is the reason
               code provided by session control.

    start      Time the loopback test began.

 o  data returned differs from data sent

    The data field in a loop message reflected back by the loop
    mirror is not the same as the data field in the loop message
    that was sent.


    count      Requested number of messages in the loopback test (that
               is, the value of the count argument).

    format     Value for each octet of the data field of the loop
               message (that is, the value of the format argument).

    length     Length of the data field of the loop message, as
               requested by the length argument.

    message    Number of the loop message in which the error occurred.

    message    Contents of the reflected loop message.

    start      Time the loopback test began.

 o  disconnected

    The link to the loop mirror was disconnected before the loopback
    test was completed.


    count      Requested number of messages in the loopback test (that
               is, the value of the count argument).

    message    Number of the loop message in which the error occurred.

    reason     Reason why the link was disconnected. This is the
               reason code returned by session control.

    start      Time the loopback test began.

 o  length too long

    The requested length of the data field is greater than the
    maximum data field length that the loop mirror can handle.


    length     Data field length requested, in octets.
    maximum    Maximum data field length supported by the loop
    data       mirror.

    start      Time at which the loopback test began.

 o  namespace name is invalid or not in cache

    The fullname provided is not valid.  Use a different fullname,
    information on how to add this node to your node database.
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