NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SNA LU Services, Partner LU Subentity
   The SNA LU Services Partner LU entity is an internal definition
   that corresponds to a remote LU.  Partner LUs contain information
   that describes an LU in the SNA network that is to be connected to
   when the non-SNA application acts as the Primary LU (PLU). The real
   IBM LU name and network ID are contained in the Partner LU definition,
   along with a list of Peer Server Transmission Groups that can be used
   to connect to the remote LU.  The Partner LU database is not used for
   Dependent LU sessions (3270 TE or RJE, for example).  An instance of
   the Partner LU entity must exist to describe each LU in the SNA
   network that is to be connected to by non-SNA PLU applications.
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