NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SNA LU Services, LU Session Subentity, show  Status
   SID               Displays the 8-byte identifier assigned to the
                     session by the CP of the initiating LU. This
                     identifier is used in control messages.

   LFSID             Displays the session identifier for a given

   Protocol State    Displays the operational state of this LU-LU

      Active         The LU-LU session BIND negotiation was
                     successful, and the two LUs are now exchanging
                     data on this session.

      BINDing        The primary and secondary LUs are negotiating
                     the BIND for the LU-LU session.

      Initiating     The Peer Server has started internal session
                     startup operation.

      Ready          The session has initiated and is waiting for a
                     BIND request from either the SNA or non-SNA
                     session partner.

      Terminating    The LUs have unbound the session, and the Peer
                     Server and the remote CP are now terminating
                     the session.

      UNBINDing      The two LUs are exchanging UNBIND commands to
                     end the session.

   Port              Displays the name of the SNA Access Server
                     Port entity supporting this session.  Each
                     Port entity represents a non-SNA application

   Remote LU         Displays the name of the external LU that the
                     Peer Server LU is in session with.

   Remote Network    Displays the name of the network in which the
                     remote LU resides.

   Initiating        Displays the name of the LU that requested the
   LU                session.

   Role              Displays the role (primary or secondary) this
                     LU is assigned in he LU-LU session.

   Transmission      Displays the name of the Transmission Group
   Group             that the LU-LU session is using.

   Logon Mode        Displays the logon mode used to establish this

   Primary           Displays the maximum RU size that can be
   RU Size           sent by the primary LU on this session.

   Primary           Displays the primary LU's send pacing window
   Send Pacing       size for this session.

   Primary           Displays the primary LU's receive pacing
   Receive Pacing    window size for this session.

   Secondary         Displays the maximum RU size that can be
   RU Size           sent by the secondary LU on this session.

   Secondary         Displays the secondary LU's send pacing
   Send Pacing       window size for this session.

   Secondary         Displays the secondary LU's receive pacing
   Receive Pacing    window size for this session.

   LU Type           Displays the LU type specified in the BIND for
                     this session.

   Session Type      Displays whether the session is a dependent
                     or independent LU session.
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