NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SNA CP Services, SNA CP Services Transmission Group Subentity, show  Status
   UID               Displays the unique identifier that the
                     Peer Server associates with the
                     Transmission Group.

   State             Displays the operational state of
                     the Transmission Group subentity.
                     Setting the state is a result of
                     execution of the enable/disable
                     commands.  The states are

           Off       The Transmission Group is disabled
                     and not available for use.

           On        The Transmission Group is enabled
                     and available for use.

           Shut      The Transmission Group is waiting
                     for the end of active sessions, if any.

   Protocol          Displays the protocol state of the
   State             Transmission Group.  These states are

      Connected      The Transmission Group is active.
                     The Transmission Group enters this
                     state from the connecting state after
                     successful XID exchange.

      Connected      The link station is active and the
      Pending        Transmission Group connection type
      Disconnect     is temporary. A transition to zero
                     sessions has started the disconnect timer.

      Connected -    The link station is active and capable
      PU Active      of supporting dependent LUs. The
                     Transmission Group enters this state
                     from the connected state when an
                     ACTPU is successfully processed.

      Connecting     An enabled Transmission Group is
                     being activated locally by a session
                     initiation request from a non-SNA
                     network or remotely when a link
                     station is activated from an adjacent

      Disconnecting  The link station is in the process of
                     deactivating. This is for permanent
                     Transmission Groups. The entity state
                     remains on.

      Disconnect     For temporary Transmission Groups, the
      Reset          link station is in the process of de-
                     activating. The entity state is off.

      Idle           The link station is available but
                     inactive. This state is entered when
                     the Transmission Group is enabled. A
                     temporary Transmission Group is
                     activated locally by a session
                     initiation request from a non-SNA network
                     or remotely when a link station is
                     activated from an adjacent node.

      Reset          Resets the link station. This is the
                     creation state.

   INIT_SELF         Displays whether the adjacent link
   Supported         station supports receipt of INIT_SELF.
                     This attribute is relevant only if the
                     Transmission Group is active.

   BIND              Displays, if the Transmission Group is
   Supported         active, whether the Peer Server can
                     send Rq (BIND) RUs to the adjacent
                     link station.

   Adjacent Node     Displays whether the adjacent node
   BIND Assembly     can assemble BIND segments.

   BIND Pacing       Displays, if the Transmission Group is
   Support           active, the type of BIND pacing that
                     the Transmission Group supports.

   Dependent LU      Displays, if the Transmission Group is
   BIND Pacing       active, whether BIND pacing applies
                     to dependent LUs.

   SSCP              Displays whether the adjacent node
   Mediated          requires ACTPU.

   Adjacent          Displays the node id of the adjacent
   Station           node. This value is supplied during
   Node ID           connection.

   Adjacent          Displays the network id of the
   Network ID        adjacent node.

   Adjacent          Displays the non-network qualified
   Station           name of the CP of the adjacent link
   CP Name           station.

   Adjacent          Displays the network name of the PU
   Station           at the adjacent link station.  This
   PU Name           attribute is either blank or it contains
                     the non network qualified PU name of
                     the adjacent link station.
   Adjacent          Displays the local name of the Adjacent
   Station ALS       Link Station at the XID sender.
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