NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SNA CP Services, SNA CP Services Transmission Group Subentity, enable
   enable sna cp services transmission group

   The enable sna cp services transmission group command makes a
   Transmission Group available for use, setting the entity state to On
   and the protocol state to Connecting, unless the Connection Type is
   Temporary, in which case the protocol state is set to Idle. If the
   Transmission Group Connection Type is Temporary, the connection is
   not initiated. However, the Transmission Group can be activated either
   locally by a session initiation request from the non-SNA network or
   remotely when the link station is activated from the adjacent node.

   If the connection type is permanent, the Transmission Group initiates
   a datalink connection with the adjacent link station.

   Ex,   ncl> enable sna cp services transmission group tg-1
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