NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SNA CP Services, SNA CP Services Transmission Group Subentity, disable  Arguments
   Immediate       yes | no        Determines the performance of the
                                   disable command according to the

                                   If no (the default), the possible
                                   entity states* of the Transmission
                                   Group are

                                   Off     The Transmission Group is
                                           disabled and not available
                                           for use.

                                   Shut    The Transmission Group is
                                           waiting for all active
                                           sessions to end.  This is the
                                           result of issuing the disable
                                           command without immediate

                                   If yes, all currently active sessions
                                   are aborted. The only possible
                                   resulting entity state* is

                                   Off     The Transmission Group is
                                           disabled and not available
                                           for use.

   *Refer to the show sna cp services transmission group command Status
   Attributes listings for the Protocol States and the entity States
   for the Transmission Group.
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