NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SNA CP Services, SNA CP Services Transmission Group Subentity, disable
   disable sna cp services transmission group

   The disable sna cp services transmission group command makes the SNA
   CP Services Transmission Group unavailable for use by disabling its
   normal operation. If the disable command is issued with the Immediate
   argument set to no, the Transmission Group enters the Shut entity
   state (this is the default action). Similarly, if the disable command
   is issued without specifying Immediate=Yes, the entity state is then
   Shut. Current sessions remain unaffected, but new sessions (whether
   initiated locally or remotely) cannot be established. When the last
   session ends, the Transmission Group changes from the Connected
   protocol state to the Idle protocol state, and, finally, to the Reset
   protocol state (the Idle protocol state status is not displayed). The
   entity state modulates from Shut to the Off. The Transmission Group
   then reports the Deactivated event.

   If the disable command is issued with the Immediate argument set to
   Yes, all active sessions terminate without regard to their status. The
   entity state then changes to Off and the protocol state is set to Reset.
   The Transmission Group then reports the deactivated event.

   Ex,  ncl> disable sna cp services transmission group tg-1
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