NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SNA CP Services, SNA CP Services Transmission Group Subentity, create  Characteristics
   Intranode       yes | no        Specifies whether this Transmission
                                   Group is an Intranode Transmission
                                   Group. The default is no. If you
                                   specify yes, note the characteristics
                                   that do to apply.

   Connection      permanent |     Permanent means that the Transmission
   Type            temporary       Group is activated when it is enabled
                                   and remains active until it is
                                   disabled. Temporary means that
                                   the Transmission Group is activated
                                   when a local session is created or
                                   when a remote link station is
                                   activated, and deactivated when there
                                   are no sessions. The default is

   Dependent       yes | no        Specifies whether Dependent LUs
   LU Support                      exist for the Transmission Group.
                                   This attribute controls the
                                   acceptance of ACTPU, DACTPU, ACTLU,
                                   and DACTLU RUs as well as the LFSID
                                   address space assignments for the
                                   Transmission Group. The default is
                                   no. Characteristic does not apply if
                                   Intranode is yes.

   Segmentation    session |       Specifies the kind of segmentation to
   Support         station |       be performed by the Peer Server when
                   none            communicating with the adjacent link
                                   station. The default is session.
                                   Characteristic does not apply if
                                   Intranode is yes.

   Bind Pacing     (1-32767)       Specifies the amount that the
   Window                          adaptive BIND pacing algorithm
   Increment                       increases the receiver window size
                                   when a larger window size is
                                   requested by the BIND sender and
                                   when there are adequate
                                   resources.  This parameter is valid
                                   when receiver BIND pacing is in
                                   effect for the Transmission Group.
                                   The default is 1. Characteristic
                                   does not apply if Intranode is yes.

   Disconnect      (0-3600)        Specifies the amount of time (in
   Timer                           seconds) a temporary Transmission
                                   Group should delay after zero
                                   sessions are active before
                                   deactivating the link station.
                                   The default is 30.

   XID Retry       (1-60)          Specifies the interval (in seconds)
   Timer                           specified for XID send expiration
                                   (retry). The default is 3.
                                   Characteristic does not apply if
                                   Intranode is yes.

   Data Link       Simplename      Specifies the local entity name for
                                   data link and instance used by the
                                   Transmission Group (TG). In the ex-
                                   ample, qllc link qllc-0 station ncp,
                                   ncp is the name of the local entity
                                   used by the TG.

   Node ID         1- to 8-hexa-   Specifies the node identifier value
                   decimal char-   for the Peer Server. This value is
                   acters (pre-    used in XID exchange if the value is
                   ceded by %x)    specified. The default is hexadecimal
                                   00000000. Characteristic does not
                                   apply if Intranode is yes.

   Required        1- to 8-hexa-   Specifies the node identifier value
   Adjacent        decimal char-   of the adjacent node. If specified,
   Node ID         acters (pre-    value must match that of the adjacent
                   ceded by %x)    node. Characteristic does not apply
                                   if Intranode is yes. If you do not
                                   specify this characteristic, no
                                   checking is done by the Peer Server.
   Required        Simplename      Specifies the network id of the
   Adjacent                        adjacent node. If specified, this
   Network ID                      value must match the network ID
                                   supplied by the adjacent node at
                                   connect time or the connection will
                                   fail. The value must be a valid SNA
                                   network name. Characteristic does not
                                   apply if Intranode is yes. If you do
                                   not specify this characteristic, no
                                   checking is done by the Peer Server.

   Required        Simplename      Specifies the cp name of the adjacent
   Adjacent                        node. If specified, the CP Name must
   CP name                         match the name supplied by the
                                   adjacent link station at connect time
                                   or the connection will fail. The
                                   value must be a valid SNA network
                                   name. Characteristic does not apply
                                   if Intranode is yes. If you do not
                                   specify this characteristic, no
                                   checking is done by the Peer
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