NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SDLC  Link subentity, show  Status
   UID             Displays the entity's unique identifier, which is
                   generated when the the entity is created.

   State           Displays the operational state of this SDLC Link
                   subentity.  Possible states are

      Inoperable   The Link cannot be enabled.

      Off          You have issued a disable command for
                   this Link.  The Link is in the
                   inactive or pending inactive state.

      On           You have issued an enable command for
                   this Link.

   Role            Displays the role this Link has taken. Values for
                   Role are:

      Idle         No role has been assumed yet.

      Primary      The role is that of a primary Link.

      Secondary    The role is that of a secondary Link.
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