NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, LLC2  SAP Link subentity, show  Status
   Active Maximum        Displays the negotiated maximum frame size
   Data Size             (excluding the header) that can be sent and
                         received on this link. The value is the
                         smallest maximum data size of the Link, the
                         SAP, and the adjacent link.

   State                 Displays the entity state of the llc2 link.
                         Possible values are:

         off             The link is disabled.

         on              The link is enabled.

   Protocol              Displays the state of the LLC2 protocol with
   State                 respect to the remote station.  Possible
                         states are:

         error           The protocol is in a recognized error state.

         disconnecting   The protocol is being disconnected.

         halted          The protocol has halted.

         initializing    The protocol is being initialized.

         inoperative     The protocol cannot be started because the LAN
                         station cannot provide a connection to a remote

         resetting       The protocol is being reset.

         running         The protocol is running normally.

   Remote LLC Class      Displays the class of the remote LLC.
                         Possible classes are:

         1               Class 1 LLC.  Only type 1 operation is

         2               Class 2 LLC.  Both type 1 and type 2
                         operations are supported.

         unknown         The class has not yet been established. The
                         class is established during XID exchange
                         between the local and remote LLC

   Remote Receive        Displays the window size used by the remote
   Window Size           station for receiving frames. The local
                         station uses this value as its window for
                         transmitting frames.

   UID                   Displays the unique identifier of the entity,
                         which is generated when the entity is created.
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