NCLHELP.HLB  —  NCL Introduction, Syntax
    An NCL command can contain the following elements, in the order

    verb [entity name] [,argument/attribute] [,prepositional_phrase]

    and as demonstrated in the following example:

    ncl> show node routing circuit ethernet-1 -
    _ncl> all status,by user=harry, password=truman

    This command shows the current values for all status attributes
    for routing circuit Ethernet-1 on node with
    access control information supplied. The components of this
    command are:

    o  Verb (or directive): show

    o  Entity name: node routing circuit
       ethernet-1, where:

       -  node is the global entity class

       - is the instance name for class node

       -  routing identifies the module to which this entity belongs

       -  circuit is the entity class

       -  ethernet-1 is the instance name for class circuit. The
          entity name reflects the full naming hierarchy for the

    o  all status, an attribute specifier

    o  by (preceded by a comma), a prepositional phrase

    o  user=harry, password=truman, user name and password used for
       access control on the remote node

    A comma must separate more than one attribute or argument and
    must always precede a preposition. For example:

    ncl> show node moosie session control port * all status, all -
    _ncl> counters, with direction = outgoing

    If the command is directed to the local system, it is not
    necessary to include the node entity's class/instance in the
    command. For example, this command would create the specified
    entity on the local node:

    ncl> create routing type endnode
Additional Information: explode extract
Data Types Verbs Entity Names Attributes Arguments Prepositional Phrases Using Wildcards Node Identifiers
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