> CREATE DSA SUBORDINATE REFERENCE "/C=US/O=Abacus/OU=Sales" - _> ACCESS POINT {[AE Title="/C=US/O=Abacus/CN=DSA4", - _> Pres Addr='"DSA"/"DSA"/"DSA"/NS+49002aaa000400083221']} - _> COPY ACCESS POINT {[AE Title="/C=US/O=Abacus/CN=DSA6", - _> Pres Addr='"DSA"/"DSA"/"DSA"/NS+49002aaa000400081222']} > SHOW DSA SUBORDINATE REFERENCE "/C=US/O=Abacus/OU=Sales" - _> ALL ATTRIBUTES The first command creates a Subordinate Reference entity and defines the access points of the master DSA and a shadow DSA of the subordinate naming context to which this entity provides a reference. The second command displays the Subordinate Reference entity. > DELETE DSA SUBORDINATE REFERENCE "/C=US/O=Abacus/OU=Sales" This command deletes the Subordinate Reference entity with the identifier "/C=US/O=Abacus/OU=Sales".