NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Status  State
 The State status attribute indicates the current state of a DSA
 entity. A DSA may be in one of the following states at any one

 -       CREATING     The DSA has received a CREATE directive,
                      and is in the process of creating.
 -	OFF	     The DSA has either been disabled or just
                      created. It is unavailable for communication
                      with applications or other DSAs. It is available
                      for most management directives.
 -	ENABLING     An ENABLE directive has been issued and the DSA
 	 	     is making itself available for communication.
                      It is the transition between the OFF and ON
 -	ON	     The DSA has been enabled and is ready for use.
                      The DSA can now communicate with
                      applications and other DSAs.
 -	DISABLING    A DISABLE directive has been issued and the DSA
                      is disabling itself from service. It is the
                      transition between the ON and OFF states.
 -       UPDATING     The DSA is in the processing of replicating
                      information with another DSA. The DSA is either
                      supplying or consuming naming contexts.

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