NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Characteristics  Volatile Modifications
 The Volatile Modifications attribute specifies whether the DSA
 writes all modifications to disk immediately, or delays writing
 modifications to disk.



 If the attribute is set to FALSE, then the DSA always writes
 modifications to disk immediately after applying them to its
 in-memory database. This ensures that modifications are never
 lost, but reduces DSA performance for modification operations.

 If the attribute is set to TRUE, then modifications are written
 to memory immediately, but may not be written to disk for up to
 fifteen seconds. This means it is possible that some
 modifications may be lost if a DSA exits abnormally. However,
 the DSA can process volatile modifications much faster than
 non-volatile modifications.

 The default value is FALSE. HP suggests that you set the
 attribute to TRUE, unless you have a strong requirement to
 ensure that modifications are never lost. The attribute can be
 set at any time, regardless of the state of the DSA.
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