NCLHELP.HLB  —  set  x25_server, client
    set  [node node-id] x25 server client simple-name ...

    Modifies the attributes of an x25 server client entity, which
    represents the X.25 server that runs on a gateway system.  The
    X.25 server serves X.25 clients on accessing systems, providing
    X.25 access to systems that do not have a direct connection to a
    PSDN.  The modifiable attributes and their data types (in brackets)

    account [latin1string] (OpenVMS)
    application [end-user-specification]
    destination [fullname] (OpenVMS)
    filters [set of simplenames]
    node [fullname]
    outgoing session template [simplename] (OpenVMS)
    password [latin1string]
    service nodes [set]
    user [latin1string]

1  –  account (OpenVMS)

    Default: No service/account data           Value: Latin1String

    Default service or account data to be used when connecting to the
    system hosting the X.25 client.  The account must be embedded in

2  –  application

    Default: 36                        Value: End-user-specification

    Address information used by the destination Session Control
    module to select the X.25 client that will receive the connection

3  –  destination (OpenVMS)

    Default: No client name                         Value: Fullname

    Name of the X.25 client to which a connection is to be made when
    delivering a "filtered" call.

4  –  filters

    Default: No default                   Value: Set of simple names

    Set of filters to be used by the server to filter calls for
    this X.25 client. Each name is the name of an x25 access filter

5  –  node

    Default: No node name                          Value: Fullname

    Name of the node that hosts the X.25 client to which connection
    is to be made. This characteristic is supported only if the
    service nodes characteristic is not supported.

6  –  outgoing session template (OpenVMS)

    Default: Default template                    Value: Simplename

    Transport template to be used by the X.25 server to set up a
    session control connection to the X.25 client. The name is the
    name of an osi transport template entity.

7  –  password

    Default: No password                      Value: Latin1String

    Default password to be used for verification when connecting
    to the system that hosts the X.25 client. You cannot
    display this characteristic with the show command.  On OpenVMS
    the password must be embedded in quotes.

8  –  service nodes (OpenVMS)

    Default: Empty set               Value: Set of candidate records

    Set of nodes that host the x25 client entities to which
    connections can be made.  Each candidate record consists of a
    Rating, which is an integer, and a Node, which is specified as a

9  –  user

    Default: No user id                    Value: Latin1String

    Default user identification to be used in access verification
    when connecting to the system that hosts the X.25 client.  On
    OpenVMS, the user id must be embedded in quotes.
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