NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, LLC2  Port subentity, show
   show llc2 port

   The show llc2 port command displays the attributes of the LLC2 Port

   Ex,   ncl> show llc2 port llc2-port-000 all

1  –  Identifier

   name               A unique value assigned to the Port by the LLC2
                      entity. The value is in the form LLC2-port-nnn,
                      where nnn is an unsigned integer.

2  –  Status

   Client             Displays the name of the client that opened the

   Link               Displays the name of the SAP Link entity
                      associated with this port.

   State              Displays the entity state of the port. Possible
                      state values are:

     open            The port is assigned to a client and is enabled.

     open disabled   The port is assigned to a client but is disabled.
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