Allows the specified logical unit and all units in the disk/ disk group to utilize more disks. The EXPAND command does not increase the size of the logical unit but it merely adds more disks, appending extra space on each individual disk. To increase the size we need to use the "/EXTEND" qualifier after expanding the unit. During expansion of units of a drive group the RAID level of certain units might be changed. For example, if an unit of RAID level 1 with 2 disks is expanded to 3 disks, then the RAID level will change to RAID 5 as RAID 1 unit does not support odd number of disks. When expanding a unit with other units present on the same set of drives, all units will undergo volume expansion. Format: SET UNIT <Unit_n>/EXPAND/DISK=<diskrange> where Unit_n = (0-31) Note: - Diskrange must include both pre-expand disks and the additional disks. Examples of diskrange are: 101, (101,112,314,..) - Only /DISK qualifier should be used in conjunction with the /EXPAND qualifier - The disk numbers for the existing disks can be obtained using the SHOW DISKS command.