
    Specifies either of the following:

    o  The name of the remote service offered at a terminal server
       port that will be associated with the specified application
       port (/APPLICATION) on the local node

    o  A service name for an application program being offered on a
       dedicated port (/DEDICATED) on a LAT service node

    To specify the name of a remote service offered at a terminal
    server port, use the /NODE and /SERVICE qualifiers. To specify a
    particular port for a service, use the /NODE, /PORT, and /SERVICE
    qualifiers. Ask the terminal server manager for these names.

    To name a service for a particular application program to be
    offered locally on a dedicated port, use the /DEDICATED and
    /SERVICE qualifiers. (The service must have been created with the
    CREATE SERVICE command.) Assign only one service to a dedicated
    port, but note that several ports can have the same service

    You can also set up the port as a limited port, using the
    /LIMITED qualifier.
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