HELPLIB.HLB  —  XAUTH  IPv6 Considerations
    Note that xauth interprets certain transport values slightly
    different than in most other DECwindows Motif interfaces. xauth
    Transport Actions describes how xauth interprets each transport.

    Table 1 xauth Transport Actions

    With this
    Value...        xauth Commands Affect...

    INET            All entries in the X authority file whose
                    host address matches any of the IPv4 addresses
                    associated with the same TCP/IP host.
    INET6           All entries in the X authority file whose host
                    address matches any of the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses
                    associated the same TCP/IP host.
    TCPIP or TCP    All entries in the X authority file as if INET
                    or INET6 had been specified, depending on the
                    setting of DECW$IPV6_SUPPORT.
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