The USB (Universal Serial Bus) Configuration Manager (UCM) utility allows you to connect a computer to a variety of devices using a single four-wire cable. More specifically, UCM does the following: o Records events such as plugging or unplugging devices and errors that occur on a USB bus. This is the USB event-logging function of UCM. o Maps physical devices to persistent device names (based on either serial number or bus location). o Automatically configures and loads OpenVMS device drivers for known device types. o Manages additions, deletions, and modifications to devices configured on the system. Types of UCM Configuration Beginning in OpenVMS Version 8.3, UCM automatically configures any new (non-permanent) device, loads the OpenVMS device driver for it, and makes the device permanent. This means that adding a new device to the system is as simple as plugging it in. This is automatic configuration. However, you might decide to disable automatic recognition and configuration of new devices, or restrict the automatic configuration only to specific devices. You do this by first using a UCM SET AUTO command. You can then follow a number of procedures required for manual configuration. Online help inside the UCM utility provides basic instructions for using UCM to configure devices automatically and manually. It also explains how to view events related to device configuration. The UCM chapter in the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual contains explanations of USB and UCM concepts. It also contains details about how UCM works. The final section in the chapter details UCM commands and contains examples of these commands. To invoke UCM, enter UCM at the DCL command prompt ($): $ UCM UCM> At the UCM> prompt, you can enter any UCM command, including HELP. Alternatively, you can enter UCM commands at the DCL prompt if you precede them with UCM. For example: $ UCM RELOAD $ To exit from UCM, enter the EXIT command at the UCM> prompt, or press Ctrl/Z.