HELPLIB.HLB  —  TCPIP Services, TELNET  TN3270 Keyboard Functions, PRINT
    VT100: EXT + P              VT200: F11
    DEFINE_KEY Function: PRINT

    Records the contents of your screen in a file or at a printer.
    (This is a local print feature.) If the status display is enabled
    when you use the PRINT function, the word Print appears on the
    status line. Your screen refreshes when the printing process

    The first use of PRINT in a given run of TN3270 creates a new
    version of the output file. Successive uses of PRINT in the same
    program cause the screen contents to append to the existing file.
    If the output is directed to a printer, each use of PRINT creates
    a separate entry in the printer queue. If the printer is a
    spooled printer, the output is released for printing immediately.

    To specify where to direct the output file, use the command
    qualifier /PRINTER=file. The SET FIL function allows you to
    change the name of the output file each time you invoke the PRINT
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