To send mail to more than one user, use the SEND command, but at
the To: prompt, type a list of names or the name of an existing
distribution list.
When you type a list of names, use the following guidelines:
o Separate the names with a comma ( , ).
o If multiple users are on the same remote host, type the full
user_name@host combination for each user.
o If a user is on your local host, omit the at sign (@) and host
For example:
To: user1,user2,user3@host3,user4@host4
In the preceding example, user1 and user2 are located on the
local OpenVMS system; user3 is located on host3; and user4 is
located on host4.
To: user1@host5,user2@host5
In the preceding example, both user1 and user2 are located on
remote host host5.
To send mail to multiple users by entering the name of a
distribution list, follow these guidelines:
o The file with the distribution list can be yours or belong to
someone else.
o The file can reside locally or remotely.
o Do not include the names of other distribution lists in the
distribution list.
You can use two kinds of distribution lists: OpenVMS distribution
lists and SMTP distribution lists.
Additional Information: