HELPLIB.HLB  —  TCPIP Services, Remote Commands, RLOGIN  Examples
    The following examples show how to use the RLOGIN command.

    1. The following command logs in to node CONDO:

       CONDO - Unauthorized access is prohibited
       Username: KING
       Password: (password not echoed)
          Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V7.3 on node CONDO
              Last interactive login on Thursday, 24-SEP-2001 15:20:29.60
                  Last non-interactive login on Wednesday, 23-SEP-2001 14:25:04.12

       $ RUN ...
       $ ~. (characters not echoed)

       %RLOGIN-S-LCLCLOSED, Local connection closed

    2. The following command logs in to host petrel and changes the
       character used to close the RLOGIN session:


       Last login: Mon Mar 14 18:34:27 from
       UNIX System petrel:  Fri Mar 19 11:02:20 EST 2002
       Mon Jun 28 18:44:42 EST 2002

       % ls ...
       % +. (characters not echoed)

       %RLOGIN-S-REMCLOSED, Remote connection closed
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