HELPLIB.HLB  —  TCPIP Services, FINGER  User Requirements
    Use the following rules for command syntax and wildcards when you
    enter FINGER command lines.

    o  Wildcards - Wildcards are not accepted for OpenVMS hosts but
       may be valid for some UNIX hosts.

    o  Qualifiers -

 Qualifiers to the FINGER command must follow immediately after
 the command verb and must precede the user or host name. If
 the qualifier follows the user or host name, the FINGER utility
 interprets the qualifier as a user name. For example, in the
 following command, the qualifier /FULL incorrectly appears after the
 user specification. As indicated by the last line in the display,
 the FINGER server interprets /FULL as a user login name.


    Username     Program      Login     Term/Location
    ROLLINS      $            Mon 15:02 64626::ROLLINS

    Login name: ROLLINS        In real life: Professor Rollins
    Account: RES9              Directory: WORK1$:[ROLLINS]
    Last login: Tue  3-MAR-2002 09:05:29
    Unread mail: 25
    Project: Homeopathic medicine/Silica
    No Plan.
    Login name: /FULL          In real life: ???

    o  User Information -

       To display information about all users on a remote host,
       enter the FINGER command followed by the host name (FINGER
       @hostname). To display more detailed information about a
       particular user, specify the user name with the host name
       (format FINGER username@hostname). To display information
       about all users on your local host, enter the FINGER
       command without specifying a host name. To display detailed
       information about a specific user on your local host, enter
       the FINGER command followed by the user name.
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