/INIT[=filespec] (default) /NOINIT Sets the configurable characteristics of DTEPAD according to values contained in the specified initialization file. If you use qualifiers in the command line to define the values of any of the configurable characteristics, these will supersede the values contained in the initialization file. By default, DTEPAD tries to translate the logical name DTEPAD$INI in order to find the appropriate initialization file. If you use the /INIT qualifier and omit the file specification, DTEPAD translates the logical name DTEPAD$INI and finds the appropriate file. If DTEPAD$INI is not defined, then DTEPAD uses /NOINIT as the default. An initialization file can contain any combination of any of the following DTE commands: o SAVE o SEND BREAK o SET DTE o SPAWN The following is an example of an initialization file: SET DTE/MAX_BUFFERS=150 SET DTE/READ_DELAY=100 SEND BREAK