Establishes a print device or terminal as a spooled device or
establishes the operational status for a device.
To make a disk on a local node available to all the nodes on an
OpenVMS Cluster, use the /SERVED qualifier.
Requires OPER (operator) privilege.
PHY_IO (physical I/O) privilege is required when specifying the
Alpha-only qualifiers that change the characteristics of shadow
sets. These qualifiers also can be specified using the SET SHADOW
command, which provides additional options for controlling shadow
sets. Qualifier settings for shadow sets remain in effect until
they are changed using either SET DEVICE or SET SHADOW or until
the shadow set or shadow set member is dismounted. If the shadow
set is remounted or a shadow set member is returned to the shadow
set from which it was dismounted, the settings must be specified
again. For more information about volume shadowing, see the HP
Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS.
SET DEVICE [device-name[:]]
Additional Information: